Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Poem: "FML"


@FrenchTwizzler009 reports
the other day
some dude got robbed
that wasn't in his house. #what

that the strawberry preserves
were rotten tasting out of the jar. #wth

informed the world
that he was incontinent
after colonoscopy
and shit himself 12 times. #eww

extolled the virtues
of oversized denim
and neon posters. #hohum

was quick to exclaim
that Catholic soldiers
disdained from undergarments
during the Crusades. #shock

sparred with her husband
over who made a sexier
spaghetti bolognese. #yummy

declared Twitter a catalyst
for the moral degradation
in the 21st century. #wtf

In the end, the best parts are used
and the better parts are thrown away
left in the dust of the glittering Twitter Nation
in 140 or less
the countdown has begun

"What are you doing today?"

I'll be outside
taking a drag
from my last
remaining cigarette

Fuck my life.

Copyright: 2009, by Raymund Diaz Delizo

Poem: "Dashboard Confessions of a Twitter Addict"

"Dashboard Confessions of a Twitter Addict"

the smoke has cleared
as blood and dust
cover the floor

the dolls sit silently
watching the deluge unfold
in the awful propensity
of uncovered motives

the computer screen blinks
and bleeps
as the nameless connect
to their inner Bill Gates

if I have ever felt the
push and pull
to undress my innermost
thoughts and desires

do it in 140 characters or less.

Copyright: 2009, by Raymund Diaz Delizo