Friday, May 1, 2009

Poem: "Bending The Loop"

"Bending The Loop"

She stands alone
closing her eyes
she imagines herself

clad in black
her brown hair
pulled back
the dress accentuates
every lovely curve

"I am fat," she says
to no one in particular
"I am a whore," she protests
still, no one seems to listen

she lost her father
the dear man she loved
she was raped twice
in the same day
her cries for help lost

still, somewhere in the world
there is a boy
locked in his room
wrapped in loathing and desperate straits

he reaches out to her
"Come and stay awhile," he gently whispers
his hands tremble at the thought of her
of the embrace and the oncoming rush of warmth
and understated vulnerability

"No," she counters, "I would not, dear boy,"
her voice firm with intention
the boy weeps silently
in his soul, forcing a smile

she takes the boy by the hand
and kisses him ever so softly
on trembling lips
whispering all the while

"how I love you despite my better nature."
two kindred spirits barely hanging onto a thread.

Copyright: 2009, by Raymund Diaz Delizo

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