Friday, April 10, 2009

Idle Thoughts

Looking back on the extent of my evolution as a writer, I'd say I have put down hundreds of pages of poetry and prose in 13 years of writing seriously. Most of those have been lost and I unfortunately can't reproduce them anymore, but I do still remember them. The first real one I remember was called "Flood" and was very raw and dark and emotive. I was into a lot of E.A. Poe, Sylvia Plath and Dylan Thomas at the time. Since then, in 13 years of hit and miss, I went from being a borrower to a kind of writer with his own voice. I admit I still go back to what got me excited to write in the first place, but I have a feeling that as I have changed as a human being, so too has my writing been forced to mature and evolve. Whether it's good or not, I'll let whoever reads it decide. I'm not qualified to make an objective analysis of my work because what I write is so a part of me so I don't feel quite up to the task of judging its poetic or artistic merits. Hopefully people will come away enjoying what I have done, but as long as they look at it honestly and come up with their own opinions of it, whether good or bad, if it is done honestly then that is all I could hope for.

Copyright: 2004, by Raymund Diaz Delizo

(Note: This was originally posted on my old blog on June 3, 2004)

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