Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Poem: "Forlorn"


It was supposed to be
a good time for her
last night

she bought a new
shimmery slip of
a dress, dainty
black and glittery

spent over an hour getting ready
she was excited
at the prospect of seeing her again

the last time they spoke
she spent half the night
staring at Lucinda

Lucinda was someone
everyone wanted to be near
or get to know

the woman laughed plenty
loved hard
and forvever seemed the subject

of gossip, envy, or adoration
her every move scrutinized
her every word pined on

when she kissed Sam
during the afterparty
the damage left in her wake
was palable

in the corner, the blonde
in the black dress
that glittered
fell to her knees in a heap

naive and forlorn
such an unrequited provocation
of rampant neglect.

Copyright: 2009, by Raymund Delizo

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